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Li Yanbing

M.D, supervisor of docatoral students

Department: Endocrine Department

Dr.Li has been involved in clinical care and research on endocrine and metabolic diseases for 20 years. She possesses great expertise in diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases (hyperthyrodism, hypothyrodism, thyroiditis, and thyroid nodule), pituitary-adrenal diseases, secondary hypertension, growth and development abnormality, and osteoporosis. Her main research directions include early intensive diabetic intervention in protecting function of βcells, and prevention and treatment of chronic diabetic complications.

She has published over 200 research papers. Dr. Li also serves as an editor or an associate editor in many authoritative academic journals and has won a National Second Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, Guangdong First Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education of the PRC, and a 2015 Achievement Award of China Group on Insulin Secretion. Besides, she is also in charge of many major programs such as Natural Science Foundation of China, Doctoral Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, and Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province.

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