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Guo Jiebo

Associate Chief Physician

Department: ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat)

Dr. Guo has practiced clinical care for 30 years at E.N.T Dept. in the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. He once participated in medical assistance program in Xin Jiang, Tibet, and Hainan Province as a medical team member of Guangdong Health and Family Planning Commission and a clinical consultant of Sun Yat-sen University.

He specializes in diagnostics and endoscopic surgery for nasal inflammatory and neoplastic diseases like allergic rhinosinusitis, acute and chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, and tumors of nose and sinuses; diagnostic and therapeutic care for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, parapharyngeal tumor, parotid tumor and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; and diagnostics and therapeutics of children's E.N.T illnesses like snoring, sinusitis, secretory otitis media, laryngeal papilloma and others.

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