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Home Neurology Wernicke Encephalopathy

Wernicke Encephalopathy

Mr. Hu was admitted because of “movement slowing, intelligence decline for over a year, recurring tremor for a week ”. One year ago, he was moving slowly, walking unsteadily, mental declining, speaking uncontrollably, aggressive and irritable, displayed abnormal behavior and hallucinations. He received treatment in other hospitals for many times and gotten improved but the symptoms recurred again and again. Besides, Mr. Hu maintain a drinking habit every day.

According to head MRI and other examinations, he was diagnosed with Wernicke encephalopathy, chronic alcoholism, secondary epilepsy, alcoholic liver damage.

An integrative treatment plan was developed combing Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine treatment focused on nerve nourishment, cerebral function improvement, anti-epilepsy, liver and stomach protection. TCM aimed at inducing resuscitation and strengthening the spleen. Besides, alcohol alternative treatment and rehabilitative training are adopted.

After treatment, the patient was restored to normal movement, speech, social interaction without mental anomaly. He was also advised to stop drinking and the symptoms hadn’t relapse afterwards.
