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Home Psychiatry A iron deficiency anemic patient recovers because of combination of TCM with psychology treatment.

A iron deficiency anemic patient recovers because of combination of TCM with psychology treatment.

Ms. Wang, 40 years old, had suffered from iron deficiency anemia for many years. She was treated in many hospitals in Guangzhou, without a good effect. Her hematocrystallin was very low, about 70g/L (reference value: 110180g/L). In addition, she increasingly suffered from many symptoms, such as anorexia, dipsomania, and irregular menstruation. With great efforts, she went to see Director Lu Xinhua, a doctor of Clifford Hospital.


Dr. Lu carefully analyzed the pathology and assessed the psychology. She found that the patient was too sensitive, anxious, hostile, and paranoid when communicating with others. So, Dr. Lu applied the combination of TCM with psychology treatment. Gradually, the patient had good appetite and mood. Her menstruation began to be normal, with hematocrystallin increased to 120g/L.                                    
