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Home ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Snoring problem for five years with one year of suffocation

Snoring problem for five years with one year of suffocation

Patient, male, 35 years old, manager of an enterprise, has snoring problem for five years with one year of suffocation. In the recent one year, with weight gain, he felt tired, dizzy and difficulty concentrating on work in the day time. In the evening, he slept with a suffocating phenomenon. Physical examination report: Big bilateral nosepiece was distorted, nasal septum deviation, no polyps, snot, loose soft palate, tonsillar hypertrophy and narrow pharyngeal cavity. Supplementary examination: Sleep apnea monitoring - obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.  Diagnosis: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAHS) Treatment: 1. Nasal septum ablation 2. Uvula pharyngeal molding of the soft palate. Patient's current situation: Feel relaxed, sleep well with no snoring, quality of life has improved. 
