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Home Hyperthermia Center Local Hyperthermia

Local Hyperthermia

Local hyperthermia is a heating method in which the temperature range its limited to create pathologic changes in targeted tissues without the overall rise of temperature in the body. Regional hyperthermia is another form of local hyperthermia,with heat sources such as microwave, radio frequency and ultrasonic waves.

The therapeutic range of regional hyperthermia includes early, medium and advanced malignant tumors in various parts of the trunk, except for the head, neck, and limbs.

The indications of local hyperthermia produces satisfactory and rapid effects in the treatment of gynecological diseases and chronic inflammation:

•Gynecological diseases:chronic pelvic inflammation, chronic fallopian tube inflammation, endometritis, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, infertility caused by chronic inflammation.

•Chronic inflammation:prostatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, cholecystitis, rhinitis etc.
