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Home Obstetrics Placenta Previa

Placenta Previa

33 weeks and 1 day, painless vaginal bleeding for 2 hours. Since the 29th week of pregnancy, she was hospitalized to prevent miscarriage for several times due to repeated vaginal bleeding.  

This time, treatments including magnesium sulfate therapy, hemostasis therapy, 

blood transfusion, etc were performed on her, but they can not attain a good effect. 

Haematoglobin continued to decline. Medical team determined to perform low-segment cesarean section to her. A baby was delivered with 2.5 kg body weight. When detecting the placenta, it covered to the cervix completely and firmly, which was placenta previa. After manual removal of placenta, bleeding occurred on the wound surface of placenta, and then doctor stitched the wound to stop bleeding. Finally, medical team brought Ms. Pei through. 


Placenta previa is an obstetric complication in which the placenta is covered the mother’s cervix partially or wholly. Women with placenta previa often with painless, bright red vaginal bleeding, occurred around 28 weeks of gestation. Repeated or too much bleeding may cause fetal hypoxia, fetal death, maternal hemorrhagic shock etc.  
