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Home Nephrology (Kidney) Department Renal Puncture

Renal Puncture

Renal puncture, also called kidney biopsy, is a pathological test. It is able to observe morphological changes of kidney directly, providing support for doctor to diagnose, evaluate the condition of kidney. At Clifford Hospital, performed by experienced specialist, percutaneous renal puncture is adopted advanced aseptic B-ultrasound guided probe to accurately take tiny samples of the kidney that are subsequently analyzed under special microscopes .

Applications of renal puncture:

(1)Glomerular diseases, nephrotic syndrome, and kidney diseases or complications caused by systemic diseases including lupus erythematosus, amyloidosis, diabetes, anaphylactoid purpura, periarteritis nodosa, etc.

(2)Blood in the urine (hematuria) or protein in the urine (proteinuria), hypertension with no clear cause.

(3)Acute or chronic kidney disease with no clear cause.

(4)Guidance and assessment of anti-rejection treatment for post kidney transplant.
