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Home Obstetrics Labor Induction

Labor Induction

Labor Induction 

Labor induction, also called inducing labor, is used to trigger uterine contractions during pregnancy before labor begins on its own. A successful labor induction results in a vaginal birth. It might be recommended when there is concern for a mother’s health or a baby’s health. At Clifford Hospital, we have three types of methods for inducing labor.

1.Prostaglandin E2

The medicine that contains prostaglandins is inserted into the mother’s vagina, acting like hormones to help ripen the cervix and stimulate contractions. 

2.Cervical ripening balloon

A thin tube with one or two tiny, uninflated ballons on the end is inserted to the mother’s cervix. When the balloons fill with water, the pressure on the cervix stimulates the body to release prostaglandins, which make the cervix soften and open. 


Oxytocin is given through IV to start or augment cervix contractions. And the amount can be adjusted according to the labor progresses. 
