Comprehensive application of Western medicine, Chinese medicine, natural medicine, large modern hospital
According to traditional Chinese medicine, illness occurs when something blocks or unbalances Qi (energy or life force) which flows through and around the body along pathways (meridians). Acupuncture is a way to unblock or influence Qi and help it flow back into balance. It uses needles to insert into specific acupoint along the meridians so that the Qi flow will re-balance.
Modern medicine has proven that traditional meridian theory has close relation to neuroendocrine system. Acupuncture on meridians is able to regulate physiological functions and level of hormone in the blood and enhance defense and repair capabilities of the body. It is applicable to prevent and alleviate various complications of chronic kidney failure, nephrotic syndrome, chronic nephritis, prostatic hyperplasia, renal colic, etc so as t improve patient’s life quality.
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